Monday, February 2, 2015

Why Children Are a Joy

I have received many outspoken comments from strangers and close-knit people over the past couple of years about the size of our family. Often times, I feel tempted to answer boldly to their often outlandish statements. However, I try to hold my tongue against it.  

For fun, here are some of the comments I've received and how I have considered answering:
Hair Stylist cutting my daughter's hair: What? Six kids? I would kill myself.

My Secret Response: Oh geez! Suicide? Really? You'd rather kill yourself then experience the joy of raising a family? Wow! Well, if you ever do get to that point and end up with six kids, which we hope not, let me get you the number for the Suicide Hotline.

Lady at the Dentist Office (when we had four): You know with that many kids, you are overpopulating the Earth. You should consider the effect it is having on our Earth.

My Secret Response: Actually,  God's in charge of population size. Have you seen all of the empty space we have across Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico? And that is just a small portion of God's great world without anything in it. Besides, God wants His people to multiply. Oh, and one last thought, didn't you drive a car here today? Why not ride a bike instead?
Stranger at Walmart: Are they all from the same father? (And yes, this was asked in front of all of the children.)

My Secret Response:  Nah, that'd be boring! (Just kidding, of course!!!)
Stranger at Target: Are they all yours? Yikes, you've got your hands full!

My Secret Response: Oh, I actually just found some kids in the parking lot and asked them to come shopping with me. Thank you so much for asking me this question as I check out and the kids are ready to go. It's very helpful.
Relative: Do you know what causes this?

My Secret Response: Hmmm, I'm not sure. Do you?
Stranger at Store: You are done now, right?

My Secret Response: Not until we get an ugly one.
Relative: Is this one your last?

My Secret Response: Well, we have room in our van for four more. :-)

Another Stranger: Do you have a TV?

My Secret Response: Uh... TV??? What's that?
Relative:  Isn't it time for your husband to get fixed?

My Secret Response: Apparently nothing's broken.

Random Guy at Church: Six children? Do you need donations?

My Secret Response: Actually, these six children will be paying into your social security. So I think it's the other way around.

Lady at grocery store: Are they all from the same father because I wasn't sure if this was some kind of boho?

My Secret Response: Yeah, you know. Being married only once while also being very much in love will definitely lead to being "boho."

All joking aside, our society has become a place where children shouldn't be seen nor heard. But why? We are so repulsed by the appearance of seeing many children that we act as though they are life's greatest burden. The comments people make in regards to large families are not only speaking volumes to the next generation who hears them but they are also creating an atmosphere that children are a bad thing. The next generation will begin to think poorly about the idea of having families. Sadly, the worst of the comments tends to come from people within the Christian community.

But what does the Bible say about children?

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Jesus doesn't say that children shouldn't be seen or heard. He doesn't say that children are a hindrance to society. Rather, He says for them to come to Him. They belong in the kingdom of heaven.

With this, shouldn't we be excited for more children being raised up for His kingdom? Shouldn't we encourage the presence of children in a Christian marriage, especially when it was part of God's plan? Shouldn't we realize that God is possibly trying to expand His kingdom with more Christians having larger families?

Sure, every family size is different. God has different plans for different families based on their size. But what our world needs is more encouragement to those larger families. Let's be thankful for the way God grows the community of believers.


  1. You have truly been blessed with many children! I think people today are so into being selfish and taking care of themselves that they can't imagine how having children, which requires loving and sacrificing things to raise these little ones, could be a good thing. It does take a great amount of love and patience, but what a character-builder! they can be, if we let them. I have a step daughter and a biological son, whom I cannot imagine life without! I had always wanted more children, but could not have anymore after my son. I still feel so blessed!!

  2. Dear Carrie, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! You have a lovely family:). Blessings, Kelly-Anne

    1. Thanks for coming to visit mine as well, Kelly-Anne! Have a great day!

  3. You have been blessed with a wonderful family. Children are a blessing from God, and are entrusted to us by Him. No child is an "accident" - and it breaks my heart whenever I hear this. I can't believe the nerve of people above making these comments to you, ESPECIALLY in front of the children! The love and sacrifice you give for your children and ultimately for this world is priceless. God Bless You, Carrie.

    1. Thanks for your support over time, Kristina! Your encouragement means a lot! Children are a blessing, indeed!

  4. "Oh, I actually just found some kids in the parking lot and asked them to come shopping with me."

    Hahahahaha! I love these, thanks for the laughs. And, I love seeing large families when out. I guess people like me need to speak up, since when we don't you only hear the negative comments. God does control population size, you have it right!

    1. Hehe! I'm glad I made you laugh. Thanks for sticking up for us big families. ;-)

  5. You're a better person then I - I might not have kept all of those in my head! ;) Some of these literally have me LOL! I popped over from Jess Connell's blog. I'm going to have to remember a few of these, my favourites: "not until we get an ugly one" and "apparently nothing's broken" hahahhah! Perfect!
    Blessings to you and yours!

  6. Overpopulating the Earth?? Oh dear...

    Enjoy your blessings!

    I liked your response about nothing being broken. haha!
